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Simple Joys

It's a battle between the Joy of Running and Joy of Achievement 


Technology has 2 sides to the coin, doesn't it? No doubt it makes life easy and makes things possible that we could never have even dreamt about. On the flip side, it complicates our lives. We hardly realize, but the present world is a prisoner of technology. Take away all the technology for a couple of hours and we are at a total loss and panicking....the proverbial 'fish out of water', thrashing about and almost asphyxiating. 


How does this rant have a connection with running? My humble submission:

Recreational running was supposed to be all about unconditional fun, to enjoy; not worry about targets or goals, not be controlled by technology. 

Let's face it: The vast majority of us are not even close to the elite level or international competition class. And the fancy shoes, sports watches, running apps and motivational talks are not going to get us there. If you just want to be better than yesterday or last week or last month....just believe in yourself, listen to your body and make the effort. 


Technology for me has become a huge bugbear. Your watch/ Your running app/ Your social media account controls your running. Pace, distance, cadence, heart rate, events to participate in are dictated by them. So much so that probably we have stopped listening to our mind and body. Again: prisoners of technology. We are soaking in the Joy of achievement: Mileage clocked/ Speed record set/ Event completed/ Weight loss etc. 

Why can't my mood, the running rhythm or lack of it, the weather and its elements and the nature of the course dictate my run? I'm feeling strong, the weather's benign and the course is conducive....let me run fast and long. Can't find my rhythm, breathing's ragged, the weather's terrible or the course is devilish.....let me take it easy. 


What I am getting at is: RUN FREE....SIMPLY RUN. 

At least on some days: Don't strap on your watch, don't fuss over pace or mileage, don't worry about posting the run on social media....just run with a free mind....enjoy the liberation. 

Rediscover the Simple Joy of Simply Running.


  1. You are right actually we are prison of technology

  2. Well written !
    When your legs can’t run .. RUN with your heart !

  3. You have shared a lot of information in this article. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to this useful article. Keep posting. Best Motivational Speakers In Indore


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